The Known Injuries

"Throughout our relationship, Ms. Heard committed domestic violence against me. She hit, punched, and kicked me. She also repeatedly threw objects into my body and head, including bottles, soda cans, candles, remote controls, and paint thinner cans."
Johnny Depp
March 2015
While in Australia, Amber claimed Johnny cut off his own finger while high on drink and drugs, and went on to dip it in paint to write bloody messages on a mirror.
Johnny would later say after asking Amber to sign a post-nup agreement, she threw a vodka bottle, which hit a marble countertop and exploded, severing the tip of his finger.

"While I was in Australia filming a movie approximately one month after I married Ms. Heard, on a day where my then-lawyer tried to discuss with her the need that she sign a post-nuptial agreement with me, she went berserk and began throwing bottles at me."
"The first bottle sailed past my head and missed, but then she threw a large glass vodka bottle. The bottle struck the marble countertop where my hand was resting and exploded. The projectile’s impact shattered the bone in my finger and entirely severed the tip of my finger."
"I had to have three surgeries to reconstruct my finger and contracted MRSA three times. I feared that I would lose my finger, my arm, and my life."
Johnny Depp
August 2015
Amber Heard claims that Johnny Depp punched her during their honeymoon on the Eastern Oriental Train. However a fan photo taken with staff shows only Johnny with bruises to his face and around his eye.
December 15, 2015
Amber Heard claimed she was beaten so hard she had a busted lip, two black eyes and a nose that was nearly broken.

Samantha McMillen, Amber's stylist
She worked with her on the James Corden Show (December 16 2015) and has since testified under oath to have been with her throughout the day, seeing her up close with no make-up and no injuries.

Kevin Murphy, Estate Manager
He testified that one day he arrived at one of Johnny’s properties a couple of minutes after one of Amber’s (many) physical assaults on Johnny. He testified Johnny personally told him what happened.
He testified that Amber had thrown a heavy TV remote at Johnny, hitting him in the head, breaking the remote and leaving Johnny with a round swelling lump with a laceration on his forehead. He testified to clearly seeing the injury firsthand.
Later that day...
Johnny Depp would release the following photos taken on December 15 2015 of his bruised and scratched face. Paparazzi photos from the same day would confirm the date.
Throughout their relationship
Johnny Depp was also photographed at a number of events and paparazzi candids with bruises.
April 21, 2016
Johnny Depp hosted and paid for Amber Heard’s birthday party in his penthouse. After letting Amber know he would arrive late and apologizing Johnny attended a business meeting.
Amber testified that when Johnny arrived, they argued and he threw a champagne bottle at the wall, going on to shove her onto the bed before grabbing her by the hair and pushing her to the floor.
May 21-26 2016
May 21, 2016
Amber Heard’s May 21 hoax officially began when her co-conspirator iO Tillett Wright dialed 911.
Police logs show two calls but iO didn’t call in the middle of their argument as he testified under oath to but over an hour later.
The LAPD were called to their penthouse by an unknown caller. Officer Drake Madison confirmed that the police officers who attended the call, examined the entire site and found no damage to the appartment or injuries on Amber.
Officer Melissa Saenz
Q: Did you see any marks of any kind on her face at all?
A: No I did not.
Officer Tyler Hadden
Q: Did you inspect the kitchen of the penthouse?
A: Yes.
Q: Did you see any shattered glass in the kitchen?
A: No.
Isaac Baruch,
Amber's neighbour
He testified to have seen Amber the day after and in the days leading up to her request for a RO. He stated that he saw Amber multiple times that week, up close, with no makeup and no signs of injury.
Johnny Depp's version of events of May 21 2016
Amber and Johnny's final texts
In her final texts to Johnny, she stated she didn't know why she included the domestic violence claims or restraining order and confirmed it was Johnny that had wanted a divorce first.
It is also important to note that Amber Heard's recent claims that Johnny Depp commented perjury by sayin there was only one police call are false. Since 2016 the two calls have been listed in Johnny's evidence list and the Police Officer's testimony.
Other people including several staff that worked at the Eastern Columbia Building testified to saying Amber asked them to lie to People Magazine and did not see any injuries on her face during the week after the incident.

Trinity Esparza
Q: In this video, are there any marks on Ms. Heards face that are visible?
A: No.

Brandon Patterson
"Ms. Heard at that time presented with a visible cut, bruise and injuriy to her face, around her cheek and eye (...) At that time there apparently had been statements reported in the media that suggested that MS. Heard had been seen by people working in the Eastern Columbia Bulding without any injuries"
May 24, 2016
Amber's lawyer Samantha Spector sent an letter to Johnny's team, making a series of financial demands including $50 thousand a month, the car, 3 out of the 5 penthouses (in which were occupied by Amber and her friends), as well as all the utility and mortgage costs.
A video was made public of Amber in the penthouse elevator with an unknown man (identified as James Franco). She appears to be injury free & JF has never confirmed if he saw bruises, AH claimed the photos were taken straight after the incident.
The Divorce

"Given the brevity of this marriage and the most recent and tragic loss of his mother, Johnny will not respond to any of the false stories, misinformation, and lies about his personal life."
Laura Wasser, Johnny Depp's lawyer.
May 27, 2016
Amber Heard accuses Johnny Depp of abuse and obtains a restraining order, after she filed for divorces, on May 23, citing irreconcilable differences
June 14, 2016
Amber withdraws the Spousal Support request, stating it was “being used against me to distract and divert the public away from the very serious real issue of domestic violence.”
August 10, 2016
Johnny attorney’s files their exhibit list
August 12, 2016
TMZ post a video (filmed by Amber, although she states she didn’t leak it) of Johnny slamming kitchen cabinets and smashing a wine glass.
August 13, 2016
After failing to turn up to the first two, Amber sits for a seven hour deposition but decideds she wants to settle.
August 16, 2016
A settlement is reached and Amber receives $7 million which included attorney fees.
The Domestic Violence charges are also dropped.
Amber Heard would donate the money from the divorce to the American Civil Liberties Union and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
Yet, she has not donated $3.5mil to Children's Hospitals LA
Amber Heard's Lies & Confessions

I meant to hit you... I do remember I did mean to hit you.
Amber Heard
The first incident
The second incident
Again this is all under oath that Amber Heard testified to hitting and throwing objects at Johnny Depp more then once, but only the clip of her saying she was "acting in defense of my sister" has been released.

Amber Heard's Past
"Amber Heard Arrest:
The ‘Homophobic’ Cop Is A Gay Woman"
In 2009, Amber was arrested at an airport after two police officers witnessed her physically assault her girlfriend Tasya Van Ree. Amber spent the night in jail and appeared in court the next day.
The charges were not carried out because they were in Seattle and not the city they resided in, Los Angeles. Amber was put on a two year good behaviour watch.
When this was brought up in the media Amber claimed the police officers only arrested her because they were "homophobic and misogynistic" but failed to mention that the arresting officer, is an gay women and gay rights activist, that herself confirmed in a statement.
Amber Heard and violence
Amber Heard's attempt to lie,
get others to lie for her,
and avoid consequences.
October 11, 2015
According to Kevin Murphy's sworn testimony, Amber reached out to see if he would get into touch with her former assistant, Kate James (previously fired by Amber).
But, this was far from the first time she tried this.
In an email, from Amber to Kate, Amber asked Kate to find a doctor/vet they can grease
September 2014
Amber Heard wrote a letter to the US Department of Homeland Security claiming her friend Savannah McMillen was only visiting the US and not working illegally but her IMDB page and paychecks say otherwise.
Johnny Depp's Past

"You can’t talk to her like that. You think she is something less than you? Who do you think you are? How dare you?"
Johnny Depp
September 13, 1994
Johnny was arrested for trashing his hotel room.

There’s nobody that’s ever really been able to take care of me. Johnny did. I believed what he said. If I said, ‘What do I do?,’ he’d tell me. That’s what I missed. I really lost that gauge of somebody I could trust. Years and years of crying. Oh, the tears!
Kate Moss
January 1999
Johnny was arrested for a scuffle involving paparazzi.
Vanessa Paradis, whom has lived with Johnny for 14 years, wrote the following letter about him
July 2018
a crew member from City of Lies sued Johnny, the film's director and producers. The following is what is known about the case, of which the outcome is unknown.
Declaration of Emma Danoff

Mr. Brooks and others who have abused Mr. Depp, are about to discover the consequences for making false accusations.
Adam Waldman, Johnny Depp's attorney
Additional evidence
June 2019
Tara Roberts, estate manager for Johnny Depp's island, testified to witnessing another attack in December 2015 on Johnny Depp at the hands of Amber Heard.
July 2019
Amber Heard's friend Laura Divenere, filed a declaration, stating that she never saw Johnny Depp attack Amber, & she was with her for several days after the May 21 incident & saw no injuries. She also went on to say, Amber was verbally abusive to her former assistant.
Laura Divenere's declaration.
July 25, 2019
July 26, 2019
As part of his lawsuit against The Sun newspaper, Johnny Depp submitted his version of events in a number of incidents and included a hospital photo and x-ray from March 2015.
Amber Heard's ex-assistant Kate James declaration
She testified that Amber mentally, verbally and emotionally abused her and emotionally abused her four year old son, using him during staged paparazzi shoots to appear motherly.